Tonight I worked out at a New York Sports Club gym that was closer to my chiropractor's office. The location turned out to be perfect.
While stretching before my workout, I noticed a red-haired man on the leg press in front of me. The first time I looked at him, I instantly knew who it was in my mind. But because he's not the most recognizable actor in the world, I debated whether to approach him. You see, I was in a similar situation last year at the YMCA in Nashville, and I was wrong.
I got on a leg machine and tried to ignore my dilemma for a minute. Pushing it away, I figured I could just ask him later during our respective workouts if my curiosity wouldn't stop nagging me. But then the rare social opportunist in me seized the moment.
"Is your name Kevin?" I asked, walking up to him.
"Uh, yeah it is," he replied, his body at a slightly awkward 45° angle on the inclined leg press.
"Are you Kevin Allison?"
"Yeah, I am."
My face lit up, I introduced myself, shook his hand, told him I was also from Ohio, and let him know how big a fan I am of The State, MTV's sketch-comedy series from the mid-'90s. The short-lived cult show is fondly remembered by many, but mostly now mentioned in boy-who-cried-wolf conversations concerning the release date of the long-promised box set (which has been finished but unavailable for unknown reasons). It's the Chinese Democracy of DVD releases.
Kevin gave me some scoop about The State reuniting in September to film a special for Comedy Central. I then concluded our brief chat with "Yeah, we're big fans. We quote it all the time." I think that made him proud.
Not too long after, I realized that I should have asked him specifics about the perennially delayed DVDs. What kind of red tape was left to cut through? Was it because of licensing issues with all the music they used in the episodes?
I guess I'll never know. Because when I looked around for him, he was already gone.
"Another stupid fan, another gym I need to find."
Me, too, Kevin. Me, too.